Essay on Technical Education

Essay on Technical Education with importance

In this article I have provide unique essay on Technical Education like ITI is the best opportunity to learn about Technical Education to provide jobs easily. In this day the ITI is very demanded for industry like Oil India Limited, Indian OIL Corporation Limited, Assam Gas Company Limited etc. The head quarter of Oil India Limited situated at Duliajan city, therefore the biggest opportunity of students to get jobs. There are various Technical Education course available at Duliajan. Your teachers will be impress to read this essay. You can starts to write this essay from introduction to conclusion.


Technical Education that imparts specialized practical knowledge and skills. Man has sometimes been described as a tool-making animal. In fact, it is man's capacity to make and use tools that has made him the master of nature and lord over other animals and it is technical education which teaches men how to make and use tools. So technical education is very necessary. The state of technical education in a country is an indication of the stage of civilization that country has reached.

Technical Education essay, importance of Technical Education

Mankind has moved a long way from its savage stage of ancient times. Today man makes not only tools but also various kinds of intricate machines which influence his life every moment of the day. Naturally, nations which show greater skill in this have an easier and more efficient life than others. Throughout the ages it has been found that the more technically advanced nations have always ruled over the technically backward ones. The former mastery of Europe over Asia, and the present mastery of Europe over Africa, are cases in point.


Technical education is important not only in the life of the community but also in the life of the individual. The current education system cannot provide job opportunities to qualified students. Technical education provides training in certain branches of industry. It is actually teaching a trade or craft. A society has various needs-physical or material, mental or intellectual, and moral or spiritual. Of these the physical or material needs are the largest in number, and demand immediate fulfillment. It is the job of the technical workers to see to the satisfaction of these needs. Hence a society must have a large army of technical workers and this shows the utility of technical education. Manual workers like the cultivators, weavers, blacksmiths, carpenters, and leather workers men who have been supplying some of the primary needs of mankind almost since its infancy are all men technically educated in their own way. They may not have rolled in riches, but they have never been in want of employment.

Various types of Technical Education

With the growth of man's knowledge of science the scope of technical education has widened. Today technical education implies the education not only of humble manual workers like the carpenter or the shoe-maker, or of skillful artisans like the lathe-man or the capstan-worker; it implies also the education of highly responsible persons like the engineer, projecting his fifty-story skyscraper on a piece of paper and calculating its probable life and cost, or of the genius of the scientist following his atomic research through the mazes of his intricate theories.

Technical education has thus a very important place in life and is full of immense possibilities. Today a nation that neglects this in favor of what is known as liberal education must inevitably suffer. Unemployment will be the fate of most of its young men. The learned professions have comparatively few openings, and white-collar jobs may never be many. But technicians even artisans are wanted every where, and the demand for them increases daily. It is time, therefore, that we turned our serious attention to it. The Government-both of India and of its states have realized this and have taken a few steps in this direction. But this, gratifying though it is, is far from adequate. Though unskilled labour is plentiful and unemployment among st the educated is daily mounting, yet technically qualified-even semi-qualified persons are not available when required. In many places the five-year plans are delayed for want of suitable persons to carry out the projects. Widespread technical education, followed by a rise in the general standard of living, can alone solve the alarming unemployment problem of India.

Actual condition here

It is a hopeful sign that the first step in the right direction has already been taken. Technical education, under the name of craft, has been introduced into the syllabus of the higher secondary schools; carpentry, leather-work, clay- modelling, weaving, net-making, smithery are some of the subjects. It is hoped that this will make our boys more technically minded and that they will take to technical education in a kindlier spirit than at present. The All-India Council of Technical Education is watching the situation very carefully and making suggestions from time to time to improve the state of affairs. The credit for establishing some of the best technical institutions like that at Khargpur is due to this Council.


The only point that can be urged against technical education is that it makes men too materialistic, too practical, and rather insensible to the higher and more delicate things of life. But this can easily be remedied by including the humanities in the curriculum of technical institutions. This is being done in India.


Of course, too much emphasis on technical education and utter neglect of liberal education, as too often seems to be the fashion today, is wrong. Each has its own importance and its own sphere, but the sphere of technical education is wider, though the function of a liberal education may be better.

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