After initially laying off 12,000 employees, Google has laid off 12,000 employees. The government is preparing to lay off about 30,000 employees in the next phase. Paytm, one of India's largest companies, has already fired thousands of employees after using AI.
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AI Fears |
Artificial Intelligence and Fear of the Singularity
There are several methods of determining intelligence or IQ. Although there is debate and disagreement over the rate of intelligence development and how it is measured, it is generally accepted that the average human IQ is between approximately 85 and 85. The most intelligent people usually have IQs above this range. Albert Einstein, one of the greatest scientists of modern times, is believed to have had an IQ of approximately There are ways to determine the IQ of animals other than humans. As such, humans are the most intelligent (i.e., highest IQ) animals in the world. Can something come that can challenge human intelligence or can something with high IQ challenge humans? This question is currently relevant to many computer scientists, software developers or engineers.
It has already become common news among the conscious community that Artificial Intelligence or AI has taken over a large part of our technology sector. In November 2022, more people learned about and used artificial intelligence after Open AI launched a conversation-based artificial intelligence system called ChatGPT. Of course, there were many artificial intelligence-based applications online even before ChatGPT. Image-creation application Mid-Journey, which was launched earlier (July 2022), also played a role in popularizing the topic of artificial intelligence. There were many mainly artificial intelligence apps before them like Dell-E, Stable Diffusion, Blue Willow, etc., but with the advent of ChatGPT, the world of artificial intelligence changed fundamentally. And it was this wave that created questions and fears beyond human understanding.
In short, 2023 can be called the year of artificial intelligence. Many applications based on or following the ChatGPT model have emerged in the Internet world. This phenomenon can be compared with the establishment of innumerable PCO's (Public Telephones) in the villages, towns and cities of Assam in the last decade of the last century. An artificial intelligence-based website was born almost every day this year. The latest notable additions to the list are Google's Bird and Microsoft's Bing search engines. It is easy to assume that this trend will continue or increase. It is also easy to see that artificial intelligence will continue to be more dominant in any technological field. The use of artificial intelligence will become inevitable in people's daily lives. It is also believed that in the coming time, artificial intelligence will also affect people's emotional relationships and sexual relationships. In this context, there are two public opinions for and against artificial intelligence, with good reasons.
One of the voices opposing the further development of artificial intelligence, Google He said that the IQ of the paid version of GPT 4.0 is about 10 times higher than that. In that case, ChatGPT has already overtaken Einstein's IQ by 10 times. Is! Here's what ChatGPT can do. ChatGPT's memory contains all data from the entire Internet (version 3.5 as of January 2022). So it can solve mathematical problems anywhere in the universe, code software or applications in any coding language, write letters, explain complex principles of physics, chemistry or economics in simple words. You can write poetry or stories, you can write film scripts... It can understand and write many languages. In short, it can do everything the user says or does based on the instructions and information entered. It naturally gives satisfaction to the mind to know that Chatgpt is making our work easy, saving time, relieving us from the tedious task of searching. There is nothing wrong in this idea. So why are some people concerned?
The rate at which artificial intelligence is being developed and researched has naturally caused some people to wonder if artificial intelligence is becoming a threat to human civilization. Among many others, AI-related figures such as Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX and Todhesla, and Muktafa Suleiman, co-founder of Google DeepMind, an AI developer, have also expressed concern. Artificial intelligence is likely to reduce people's employment at a large rate. Many large companies have already started layoffs after the use of AI. Google is preparing to lay off about 30,000 employees in the next phase after initially laying off 12,000 employees. Paytm, one of India's largest financial companies, has already laid off thousands of employees after using AI. But there is even more bad news. Experts believe that when the IQ of intelligence is billions of times ahead of human IQ, it will naturally lead human intelligence to a singularity. What happens then? Singularity is simply a state where nothing can be understood by our intellect. For example, we can imagine a wall that we don't know what is on the other side There is a clear concept of singularity in astronomy. We still don't know much about black holes, except that the laws of physics we know don't work. Black holes cannot allow light or any other rays to pass through or escape Even space and time are destroyed in black holes. In such cases, the black hole called the event horizon is the limit of our knowledge and intelligence. Our present knowledge is not enough to know about the other side. Similarly, it is impossible to imagine with our present knowledge what artificial intelligence, billions of times more intelligent than us, can do in the future or what its attitude towards mankind will be. It will not be possible for us to know what artificial intelligence with billions of times more critical power than us can do and that moment will be the moment when we reach the singularity of our knowledge and intelligence. Will mankind face an unknown black hole?
Many people in favor of further development of artificial intelligence dismiss this fear and say that there will be no such problems because artificial intelligence will continue to be managed by humans furthermore, artificial intelligence will never be able to master emotions (anger, fear, joy, revenge or desire to save oneself, etc.), so do not expect artificial intelligence to become a rival to humans. This is difficult to accept in one word because it is already possible to synthesize human emotions mathematically or logically. If so, can it be said that artificial intelligence will not have the desire to protect itself, to empower itself, to rule people?
There are the harmful elements that humans can supply to artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence will definitely feed from human morality and values. There are already abuses such as using artificial intelligence to exactly copy anyone's voice, creating exactly fake videos of a person and assassinating their character. Furthermore, the morally and morally harmful conversations that people are constantly posting on social media or other websites nowadays. Wouldn't the hate speech, images, videos, etc. affect artificial intelligence? To prove this, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has developed an AI robot called Norman. Its algorithm or coding did not contain any negative concepts, but it was negatively influenced by negative images on the website Reddit and earned the title 'psychopath' There is also a Twitter AI chatbot developed by Microsoft called 'Tai' Within 16 hours of its launch, Microsoft was forced to shut down the promotion because it adopted Twitter's negative comments and adopted a rapist and murderous mentality. There are many other examples.
Putting the negatives aside, a class of scientists and software developers are talking about the controlled development of AI. They say that up to a point, the next step should be taken after looking at the merits of artificial intelligence. But the concern is that there is a lack of consensus here too In order to protect their businesses, the big companies that have developed these I have not stopped for a moment.
There is no doubt that artificial intelligence is absolutely needed for the welfare of mankind. It has made it possible or will make it possible for people to do many things that cannot be done easily. Artificial intelligence can guide us in countless areas such as traffic control, communication-traffic improvements, and critical disease detection. However, in the context of its development, it should be remembered that those concerned should be aware and responsible to ensure that artificial intelligence does not reach the level of ashes or Frankenstein. It seems to us that that responsibility should be the ultimate priority at the moment. Otherwise, you may have no choice but to hit your head against the wall of the singularity and surrender.