Photoshop Questions and Answers for exam 2024 updated - Technical Related

Photoshop important questions and answers for interview 2024 

Photoshop 2023

Q. What is the purpose of color panel in Photoshop?

Answer: The Color panel displays the color values for the current foreground and background colors. Using the sliders in the Color panel, you can edit the foreground and background colors using different color models.

Q. What is image?

Answer: A visual representation of something: such as. 

(1) : a likeness of an object produced on a photographic material. (2) : a picture produced on an electronic display (such as a television or computer screen)

Q. What is function of pen tool in Photoshop?

Answer: The Pen Tool in Photoshop creates paths and shapes which can be duplicated and manipulated to create complex selections, masks and objects. Unlike the Brush Tool and Pencil Tools, which “draw” pixels onto your image, the Pen Tool always creates a vector path when used.

Q. What is mask in Photoshop?

Answer: Photoshop layer masks control the transparency of the layer they are “worn” by. In other words, the areas of a layer that are hidden by a layer mask actually become transparent, allowing image information from lower layers to show through.

Q. What is channel in Photoshop?

Answer: When you open an image in Photoshop, you see a grid of pixels composed of various colors. Together, these represent the color palette which can be decomposed into color channels. 

The channels are separate layers of color information representing the color mode used on the image.

Q. What is painting in Photoshop?

Answer: Adobe Photoshop provides several tools for painting and editing image color. The Brush tool and the Pencil tool work like traditional drawing tools applying color with brush strokes. Tools like the Eraser tool, Blur tool, and Smudge tool modify the existing colors in the image.

Q. What is indentation in Photoshop?

Answer: Indention specifies the amount of space between type and the bounding box or line that contains the type. Indention affects only the selected paragraph or paragraphs, so you can easily set different indentions for paragraphs.

Q. What is definition of Web?

Answer: The part of the Internet that can be looked at with a special program (called a browser) and that is made up of many documents which are linked together —often used before another noun a Web page Web browsers.

Q. What is a pixel explain?

Answer: The pixel (a word invented from "picture element") is the basic unit of programmable color on a computer display or in a computer image. Think of it as a logical - rather than a physical - unit. The physical size of a pixel depends on how you've set the resolution for the display screen.

Q. What is the use of context menu in Photoshop?

Answer: Context menu appears when user press long click on the element. It is also known as floating menu. It affects the selected content while doing action on it. It doesn't support item shortcuts and icons.

Q. What is Transformation in Photoshop?

Answer: The Transform command lets you apply transformations (rotate, scale, skew, distort, and perspective) in one continuous operation. You can also apply a warp transformation. Instead of choosing different commands, you simply hold down a key on your keyboard to switch between transformation types.

Q. What is canvas size in Photoshop?

Answer: The canvas size is the full editable area of an image. The Canvas Size command lets you increase or decrease an image's canvas size. Increasing the canvas size adds space around an existing image.

Q. What is a Web page?

Answer: A web page is a simple document displayable by a browser. Such documents are written in the HTML language (which we look into in more detail in other articles). A web page can embed a variety of different types of resources such as: style information — controlling a page's look-and-feel.

Q. What is slice in Photoshop? What are the different types of slice?

Answer: Slices divide an image into smaller images that are reassembled on a web page using an HTML table or CSS layers. You export and optimize a sliced image using the Save for Web & Devices command. Photoshop saves each slice as a separate file and generates the HTML or CSS code needed to display the sliced image. 

Three Types of Slices in Photoshop:

The three different kinds of slices are User Slices, Auto Slices and Layer Based Slices.

Q. What is filter gallery in Photoshop?

Answer: The Filter Gallery allows you to see a preview of what an image will look like if you apply a particular filter to it. Instead of having to go through a large number of filters one by one and apply them to an image, you can preview the effect through the gallery.

Q. What is color management in Photoshop?

Answer: Color management translates the image colors so that each device can reproduce them in the same way and the colors you see on your monitor will be close to the colors in your printed image. All colors may not match exactly because the printer may not reproduce the same range of colors as the monitor.

Q. Write the steps to jump between Photoshop applications.

Answer: Select the Move Tool from the Toolbar. Click on the image and drag it up and onto the tab of the other document. Wait for Photoshop to switch documents. Then, drag the image from the tab down into the document window.

Q. What is Gradient in Photoshop?

Answer: Photoshop allows you to make a gradual transition between two or more colors by using the Gradient Tool. A gradient can be applied to any selected area of an image or background. If no area is selected, the gradient will be applied to the entire layer.

Q. How to unlock background in Photoshop?


1. Select Layer > New > Layer from Background.

2. Give the layer a name and select OK.

3. The new, unlocked layer will replace the background layer in the palette.

Q. What is the purpose of history palette in Photoshop?

Answer: The History Palette is a log of all the actions you perform within Photoshop. By default, the History Palette contains the last 20 changes to your image. Each time you change the image, a new state is added to the History Palette.

Q. What do you mean by optimization of image in Photoshop?

Answer: Image optimization is about reducing the file size of your images as much as possible without sacrificing quality so that your page load times remain low.

Q. What is text alignment and justification?

Answer: Text alignment is a paragraph formatting attribute that determines the appearance of the text in a whole paragraph. For example, in a paragraph that is left-aligned (the most common alignment), text is aligned with the left margin. In a paragraph that is justified, text is aligned with both margins.

Q. What is Save and Save as in Photoshop?

Answer: The main difference between Save and Save As is that Save helps to update the lastly preserved file with the latest content while Save As helps to store a new file or to store an existing file to a new location with the same name or a different name.

Q. Define layer in Photoshop?

Answer: Photoshop layers are like sheets of stacked acetate. You can see through transparent areas of a layer to the layers below. Transparent areas on a layer let you see layers below. You use layers to perform tasks such as compositing multiple images, adding text to an image, or adding vector graphic shapes.

Q. What is the function of lasso tool?

Answer: The lasso tool operates on the active layer of an image, and is used by clicking and dragging to trace the edges of a selection. Most software supports multiple closed contours, which can be selected by crossing over the edge path multiple times.

Q. What is slice tool?

Answer: The slice tool allows you to create multiple images from one image or a layered Photoshop file. You can slice up the image using areas that you create using the slice tool or by using guides that you have applied. This allows you to save out images in preparation for the web very quickly.

Q. Advantage of Color balance tool.

Answer: Color balance changes the overall mixture of colors in an image and is used for color correction.

Q. What is Photoshop? Explain different Advantages and Disadvantages of Photoshop?

Answer: Adobe Photoshop is imaging and graphic design software used by thousands of people in many different roles across the world. Not only is it for photos but you can use Photoshop for designing websites, editing videos, and creating 3D artwork.

Q. Explain different operations that can be performed on layers using layer palette?


1. Opacity and Fill The Opacity and Fill commands allow you to change the opacity (or transparency) of a layer. Both commands work the same except for one difference. In the circles shown below, notice that the Opacity change affects both the fill and stroke of the circle and the Fill change affects only the fill and not the stroke of the circle. Opacity and Fill changes can drastically change the appearance of a layer and are recommended when trying to blend objects or make adjustments more subtle.

2. Blending Modes blending modes affect the appearance of layers and how they will display. Blending modes are broken down into five different groupings that affect the layer differently. The best way to use Blending Modes is to mix and match them and experiment with different variations.

3. Locking Layers locking layers can be a handy tool when working in Photoshop. There are several ways to lock the layer or layer contents. Each layer can be locked by selecting the layer, and then selecting the type of lock. Below are the types of locks.

4. Layer Buttons

There are several buttons that live at the bottom of the layers palette, which we will explore in these sections. Many of these buttons perform actions that can be found in other locations within the program, but are also in the Layers Palette for convenience and ease. These buttons are outlined below:

Link layers - Select two or more layers and click this button to link them together. Linking means that they will all move together.

Add a new layer style - This button allows you to add a new layer style without going to Layer and selecting Layer Style in the menu.

Add layer mask - Clicking this will add a new layer mask to the selected layer.

Create new fill or adjustment layer - This button allows you to add a new layer style without using the Adjustments Palette.

Create a new group - Click this to create a new group (aka folder). Drag layers into this group to organize them.

Create a new layer - Clicking this will create a new, empty layer.

Delete layer - Select a layer or multiple layers and click this button to permanently delete them.

5.Merging and Flattening Layers

If we ever need to combine several layers or need to flatten the entire image, then use the merge and flatten commands.

 Combine or merge several layers by selecting the layers, and then right-clicking on the Layer Name of one of the selected layers. Select "Merge Selected" from the menu and all selected layers will be combined into one.

 Combine or merge only visible layers () by right clicking on the Layer Name of any visible layer and selecting "Merge Visible".

 Flatten an entire image by right-clicking on the Layer Name of any layer and selecting "Flatten Image"

Q. what is JPEG format? Write the steps to save file in JPEG format.

Answer: JPEG stands for “Joint Photographic Experts Group”. It’s a standard image format for containing lossy and compressed image data. Despite the huge reduction in file size JPEG images maintain reasonable image quality. This unique compression feature allows JPEG files to be used widely on the Internet, Computers, and Mobile Devices. The sharing of JPEG images is quick and efficient. Also, a large number of JPEG image files can be stored in minimum storage space. JPEG files can also contain high-quality image data with a lossless compression. 

To save the image, press the Save as button in the top-left or press Ctrl + S on your keyboard. In the Save As dialog box, select JPG or another image format from the Save as drop-down menu. By default, Snip & Sketch will save in the PNG format.

Q. Describe different color modes used in Photoshop?

Answer: The various color modes are:

 Bitmap

 Grayscale

 RGB color

 CMYK color

 Indexed color

Bitmap: Bitmap color mode is one of the effective color modes, but not a versatile alternative to vector graphic artwork. This color mode is different from the other bitmap file format, that, you use in Windows and should not be confused.

It uses only two colors i.e., Black and White.

Grayscale: Grayscale is a range of shades of gray only. Since gray is the combination of white and black, hence, it does not have any other color as part of its color mode. It values with 256 shades of Gray ranging between 0 (Black) to 255 (Pure White) in an 8-bit image. In images of 16-bit and 32- bit, the grayscale range of shades is much greater. Grayscale images result in a smooth transition of shades between the values. Using this color mode, you can create brochures, pamphlets, newspapers, and newsletters etc.

RGB Color: The RGB color mode is the representation using primary colors. These primary colors are Red, Green, and Blue. You can use the combination of these primary colors to obtain any available color from various colors. RGB color mode represents images in all electronic system such as Television, Laptops, Computer Monitors, Mobile devices, videos, web pages etc., along with its use in advanced photography.

CMYK Color: CMYK color mode is the combination of four inks while printing, i.e., cyan, magenta, yellow and key. You can also call key, as black. Use this color mode for commercial printings. In Conclusion, check for gamut warnings and color accuracy before you start to print your work after converting it to CMYK color mode.

Indexed color: The Indexed color mode is a range of exactly 256 colors and produces an 8-bit image. Apart from the Photoshop palettes, you can make your own palette with Indexed color. 

Color lookup table or CLUT, in short, is built, storing and indexing the colors of an image in Photoshop. Many Web designers chose Indexed color palettes because of assured consistent colors it provides. Web designers get 216 colors only shared by Mac and PC. However, it is not limited to 216 colors only since it can reduce file size while maintaining the quality needed.

Q. Short notes on Photoshop toolbox.

Answer: The Toolbox is a floating palette that contains Photoshop's primary mouse-controlled tools. These various tools, when activated with a left mouse click, replace the user's mouse cursor with the selected tool. The user can then use that tool to perform various functions also controlled primarily via the mouse.

To conserve on desktop real estate, some tools are 'hidden' behind other tools of a similar nature. 

These hidden tools can be activated by clicking and holding the foreground tool, until a fly out menu appears. The user can then select the desired tool from that fly out menu.

Many tools feature keyboard shortcuts, and both displayed and hidden tools can be activated by pressing the various hotkeys associated with those tools. Some tools are given the same keyboard shortcut, and thus the user can scroll through multiple tools by pressing the same key more than once.

The Toolbox is organized by gathering together tools that provide similar functionality. Tools used primarily for selection are grouped beside one another, as well as painting tools, retouching tools, and so on.

Q. Short notes on Photoshop Work Area.

Answer: Photoshop Work Area:

Photoshop work area consists of Application Bar, Tools Panel, Options Bar, Document Window and Panel Dock.

Application Bar: It contains menu bar along with many controls to zoom, buttons for viewing extras.

Tools Panel: It contains a set of tools for selecting, manipulating images.

Options Bar: There are various options available.

Document Window: It displays the current working file.

Panel Dock: Panel dock has several panels to edit / modify the images. By default there are layer, adjustment and style panels.

Q. What is noise of an image? Write the steps to reduce the noise of an image.

Answer: Image noise is random variation of brightness or color information in images, and is usually an aspect of electronic noise. It can be produced by the image sensor and circuitry of a scanner or digital camera. Image noise is an undesirable by-product of image capture that obscures the desired information.

Reduce noise from an image:

1. With your photo selected, click the Edit icon.

2. Open the Detail panel to reveal the Noise Reduction slider.

3. Before you make any adjustments click the 1:1 icon in the toolbar, or click on the photo to zoom into the actual size of the image. This zoom level is the best way to discover unwanted noise and to evaluate your noise reduction adjustments. Any other zoom level could be inaccurate or misleading.

4. Move the Noise Reduction slider to the right to reduce the noise in your photo. Keep your adjustment subtle. The noise reduction process smooths pixels, and it can remove fine detail. The goal is never to remove noise completely. Instead, focus on reducing noise so that it is not distracting.

Q. What is transforming an image? Discuss various transform options in Photoshop.

Answer: A function or operator that takes an image as its input and produces an image as its output. Fourier transforms, principal component, and various spatial filters, are examples of frequently used image transformation procedures.

Transformation of inserted objects in Adobe Photoshop

  •  Moving an object in Adobe Photoshop

To move an object we can either move the layer with the inserted object, or select a layer fragment and move this immediate fragment.

Select the Move tool from the Toolbar to move the layer or its fragment.

First of all, activate the layer with the inserted object and follow the instructions:

Step 1. If you want to move a fragment of the layer not the layer itself, you can select the necessary area using any selection tool.

Step 2. Select the Move tool from the Toolbar.

Step 3. Bring the cursor inside the selected fragment to move it or on any point of the layer to move the layer itself.

Step 4. Drag the object. For this purpose press the left mouse button and keeping it pressed drag the mouse cursor.

  • Transformation of objects in Adobe Photoshop photo editor

After an object is inserted in a new layer, we can use Layer transformation commands to transform the object. To transform the layer or the selected fragment we can use one of the commands from the menu Edit - Transform. For example, the following commands: Scale, Rotate, Skew, Distort, Perspective, Rotate 180°, Rotate 90° CW, Rotate 90° CCW, Flip Horizontal, Flip Vertical.

Flip – to flip an image you should move one of the markers behind the opposite marker. For example, if you drag the left marker all the way to the right side of the right marker, the image will flip horizontally. However, if all you want is to flip the image, you'd better use the commands Flip Horizontal and Flip Vertical from the menu Edit – Transform.

Rotate – to rotate an image you should bring the cursor to the marker in the corner so that the cursor transforms in a two-side rounded arrow, press the left mouse and keeping it pressed, drag the cursor. You can set the rotation angle in the Options palette using the Rotate parameter.

Skew – to skew an image you should drag the marker on the side, the upper and the lower marker keeping the Ctrl key pressed (Command in Mac). You can adjust the Skew transformation option in the Options palette setting the H and V parameters.

Distort – it is possible to distort an image by dragging a corner marker keeping the Ctrl key pressed (Cmd in Mac).

Perspective – to create a perspective you should drag a corner marker keeping the Ctrl and Shift keys pressed (Cmd and Shift in Mac).

If you want to drag two points at a time, you should drag a corner marker keeping the Ctrl, Alt and Shift keys pressed (Cmd, Option and Shift in Mac).

Q. Discuss how can you create, delete, merge and duplicate channels in Photoshop?


Delete a channel

In Photoshop, select the channel in the Channels panel and do one of the following: Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac OS) the Delete icon . Drag the channel name in the panel to the Delete icon. Choose Delete Channel from the Channels panel menu.

Create a channel mask 

Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac OS) the New Channel button at the bottom of the Channels panel, or choose New Channel from the Channels panel menu.

1. Specify options in the New Channel dialog box.

2. Paint on the new channel to mask out image areas.

Merge channels

1. Open the gray-scale images containing the channels you want to merge, and make one of the images active. 

2. Choose Merge Channels from the Channels panel menu.

3. For Mode, choose the color mode you want to create.

4. If necessary, enter a number in the Channels text box.

5. Click OK.

Duplicate a channel

1. In the Channels panel, select the channel to duplicate.

2. Choose Duplicate Channel from the Channels panel menu.

3. Type a name for the duplicate channel.

4. For Document, do one of the following: Choose a destination. ...

5. To reverse the selected and masked areas in the duplicate channel, select Invert.

Q. What is font in Photoshop? Discuss Truetype, Opentype, Postscript font in Photoshop. 

Answer: Photoshop displays a list of fonts similar to the text in your selection. Deselect Show Fonts Available to Activate from Adobe Fonts to hide fonts from Adobe Fonts and only view fonts available locally on your computer.


There are generally two main components to PostScript typefaces. The first file contains the actual PostScript typeface itself and is often called the “binary” or “printer” file. The second file contains the typeface’s complete name, the spacing characteristics (font metrics) and information to help the computer display the typeface on the screen and for printing the font. Both files must be submitted.

PostScript typefaces are the preferred typeface format for use in publishing.


Open Type fonts are cross-platform compatible making it easier to share files across operating systems. Font management is simpler since there is just one file involved. An Open Type font file contains all the outline, metric and bitmap data in one file. It can contain TrueType (.ttf extension) or PostScript (.otf extension) font data and uses ATM to render the font on-screen. Adobe In Design and Adobe Photoshop support Open Type which allows them to use the expanded character sets and layout features.


Truetype fonts only require one file to be submitted but a separate file needs to be submitted for each instance of the font. For example, a different file is needed for normal, bold, italic, bold italic, etc. TrueType typefaces are generally intended for business office use and can be less reliable for publishing applications. Only use TrueType typefaces when the typeface is unavailable in PostScript format.

Q. What is wrap text anti aliasing text in Photoshop? Write the steps to create text wrap in Photoshop.

Answer: Wrap text: We can enter text in two modes when using Adobe Photoshop. You can use Point Text Mode in which each line of text is a separate paragraph. However, to wrap words in a paragraph, you can instead use the Paragraph Type feature. You can also convert Point text controls to Paragraph Type controls.

Anti Aliasing: Anti-aliasing is the smoothing of jagged edges in digital images by averaging the colors of the pixels at a boundary. The letter on the left is aliased

Steps to create text wrap in Photoshop:

1. Pick Path and then select a custom shape.

2. Select a custom shape.

3. Draw the shape.

4. Format the text using tools on the Options bar.

5. Click on the edge of the shape.

6. Type and the words bend along the shape path.

7. Drag the text along the path of the shape.

also read : Computer knowledge MCQ

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