C Programming Interview Questions Which are very Important for you.

In this technical related article I have given some important questions related to C programming. By which you can learn coding and use it to make your apps, software, games etc.

C++, C programming

This questions are very simple to learn C programming. Learn this type of questions for your computer exam and crack your exam.

1)  Create a ‘C’ Program to display Own Name

2)  Accept two numbers from the users and display their Sum, Sub, Division, Product and Remainder.

3)  Accept temperature in Celsius and convert it in Fahrenheit Scale.

4)   Create a Program to Calculate the area of the Circle.

5)   Accept Principal, Rate of Interest and Time and Display the Simple Interest and Amount.

6) Accept Principal, Rate of Interest and Time and Display the Compound Interest and Amount.

7)  Create a ‘C’ Program to accept number and display its digits in words.

8)   Accept Total nos. of days and convert it in years, weeks and Remaining days.

9)   Accept two numbers and swap its value.

10)  Accept a number and check for Even/Odd.

11)   Accept a Weekday in number and display its respective weekday name.

12)   Accept name and age and check for voting eligibility with suitable message.

13)   Create a Program to find the power of number using Function.

14)   Accept  three numbers and display the biggest among the three.

15)   Accept a year and check for Leap / Ordinary year.

16)   Accept a number and display the multiplication table till 30.

17)   Accept ten or more numbers in an array and find the Sum and Average of them.

18)   Write a Programs to Armstrong number using array.

19) Accept two or more numbers and calculate all the arithmetical operation in separate functions.

20)   Accept a number and display it factorial in a function.

21)  Accept a Text and count for nos. of words, vowels, semi-vowels, consonants, digits and  special characters.

22)  Accept  Ten or more Numbers in an array and Display them in Ascending order.

23)  Write a Program to Addition to Matrix.

24)  Write a Program to copy a file into another File.

25) Write a Program that displays the recommended actions depending on the color of a Traffic Light using the Switch case statement.

26)  Create A Program To Generate Pattern.


1.   27) Display Pattern 


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