Table no: 1
A | B | C | D | |
1 | items | Unit | Price | Sales |
2 | Lux | 5 | 17.25 | |
3 | Cinthol | 12 | 10.00 | |
4 | ganga | 10 | 9.00 | |
5 | camay | 3 | 12.16 | |
6 | margo | 5 | 15.75 | |
7 | lifebuoy | 8 | 12.00 | |
8 | santoor | 12 | 8.25 | |
9 | moti | 0 | 12.00 |
Q. Find:
total sales
average sales
maximum sales
minimum sales
numeric cells
blank cells
Non-blank cells.
To find sales- =b2xc2
Total sales- =sum(D2:D9)
Average sales- =average(D2:D9)
Maximum sales- =max(D2:D9)
Minimum sales- =min(D2:D9)
Numeric cells- =count(A1:D9)
Blank cells- =countblank(A1:D9)
Non-blank cells- =countA(A1:D9)
Table no: 2
2 | margo | jan | 1000 |
3 | avinjim | march | 2500 |
4 | udapi | feb | 3200 |
5 | margo | march | 1800 |
6 | margo | feb | 3200 |
7 | manglore | feb | 1000 |
8 | manipal | march | 2000 |
9 | banglore | march | 3200 |
10 | udapi | march | 1000 |
Margo total
March total
Sum of sales above 2500
Count of manipal
Count of february
Count of sales above 3500
Margo total- =Sumif(A2:A10,"margo",C1:C10)
March total- =sumif(B2:B10,"march",C2:C10)
Sum of sales above 2500- =sumif(C2:C10,">=2500")
Count of manipal- =countif(A2:A10,"manipal")
Count of february- =countif(B2:B10,"feb")
Count of sales above 3500- =Countif(C2:C10,">3500")
Table no: 3
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H |
Name | grade | basic | DA | HRA | GROSS | PF | NET |
Arun | B | ||||||
Marry | C | ||||||
James | C | ||||||
Ravi | A | ||||||
Ganesh | B | ||||||
Rajesh | C | ||||||
Binayak | A | ||||||
Pinku | A | ||||||
Bijoy | B |
Basic pay
DA (dearness allowance)
HRA (house rent allowance)
P/F (Provident Fund)
Net salary
Basic pay- =IF(B2="A",2500,IF(B2="B",2200,IF(B2="C",2000)))
Dearness allowance- =C2*40%
House rent allowance- =C2*15%
Gross income- =SUM(C2:E2)
Provident Fund- =F2*4%
Net salary- =F2-G2
Table no: 04
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | |
1 | Names | English | Assamese | Social | G. sc | Hindi | Maths | Total | %age | Result |
2 | Xyz | |||||||||
3 | Xyz | |||||||||
4 | Xyz | |||||||||
5 | Xyz | |||||||||
6 | Xyz | |||||||||
7 | Xyz | |||||||||
8 | Xyz | |||||||||
9 | Xyz |
Q. Find:
Total marks of each students.
Total percentage.
Total marks - =sum(B2:G2)
%age- =H2/6
Result- =if(i2>=60,"1st",if(i2>=45,"2nd",If(i2>=30,"3rd","fail")))
Table no.5
Item code | Units | Price | Sales | Commission | Remarks |
100 | 1000 | 75 | |||
101 | 145 | 10 | |||
102 | 2000 | 12 | |||
103 | 1000 | 02 | |||
104 | 1100 | 0.5 | |||
105 | 800 | 02 | |||
106 | 145 | 1.5 | |||
107 | 1100 | 2.25 | |||
108 | 1550 | 02 | |||
109 | 2000 | 03 | |||
110 | 2200 | 05 |
Sales of each items
Total sales
Highest Sales
Lowest sales
Average sales
Average price
Remarks Table | |
Sales | Remarks |
Less than 1000 | Poor |
1000 to 1550 | Good |
Above | Excellent |
Count of excellent
Count of good
Count of units above 1000
Count of price not equal to 2
Total commissions of excellent
Count of total sales of unit above 1000
Total commissions of goods
Sales =B2*C2
Commission =IF(D2<1000,D2*0%,IF(D2<5000,B2*2%,D2*5%))
Remarks =If(D2<1000,"POOR",IF(D2<4550,"GOOD","EXCELLENT"))
Total sales =Sum(D2:D12)
Highest sales =Max(D2:D12)
Lowest Sales=Min(D2:D12)
Average sales =Average(D2:D12)
Average price =Average(C2:C12)
Count of excellent =Countif(F2:F12,"excellent")
Count of good =Countif(F2:F12,"good")
Count of units above 1000 =countif(B2:B12,">1000")
Count of price not equal to 2 =countif(C2:C12,"<>2")
Total commission of excellent =sumif(F2;F12,"excellent", E2:E12)
Total sales of units above 1000 =sumif(B2:B12,">1000",D2:D12)
Total commissions of goods =sumif(F2:F12,"Good",E2:E12)
Table no: 6
1 | Name of the employee | HRA | DA | CCA | Gross salary | PF | Lic premium | Net monthly income |
2 | Santanu | |||||||
3 | Taznur | |||||||
4 | Montu | |||||||
5 | Nitul | |||||||
6 | Prasant | |||||||
7 | Amit | |||||||
8 | Ranjit | |||||||
9 | Mayan | |||||||
10 | Akashi | |||||||
11 | Alma | |||||||
12 | Amitabh | |||||||
13 | Mesha | |||||||
14 | Arunjyoti | |||||||
15 | Roshan |
Create a new column for basic pay of each employee between "Name of the Employee" and "HRA"
Calculate the HRA(House rent allowance), which is 20% of the basic pay.
Calculate the DA(Dearness Allowance), which is 40% of the basic pay.
Calculate the CCA(Commentary city allowance)which is 10% of the Basic pay.
Calculate the Gross Salary which is the sum of the basic pay , HRA,DA,CCA.
Calculate the PF( Provident fund) which is 35% of the Gross salary
Calculate the Lic premium which is Rs.200/-(fixed).
Calculate the Net monthly income, which is the deduction of PF and LIC premium from gross salary.
Calculate the gross salary of Mr. taznur whose basic salary is 20% more than the basic salary of Mr.Santanu.
Calculate the Gross salary of Mr.montu, whose basic salary is 10% less than the basic salary of Mr. Taznur.
Calculate the Gross salary of Mr.Nitul whose basic salary is 50% less than the basic salary of Mr. Santanu.
Others basic salary is 45% less than Mr. Santanu.
Display the names of the employee whose name begins with letter "A". by using Autofilter
Delete the record of Mr.Roshan using Data.
Save the modification and exit Ms-excel.
HRA =B2*20%
DA =C2*40%
CCA =C2*10%
Gross Salary =SUM(C2:E2)
PF =G2*35%
LIC =200
Net Monthly Income =G2-H2-I2
Mr. Taznur =C2+C2*20%
Mr. Montu =C2-C2*40%
Mr. Nitul =C2-C2*50%
Others =C2:C2*45%
Select all Table → Click on Data tab → Filter → Click the arrow head "▼" → Next to Basic Pay → Number Filter →Greater than → Is greater than → 5000 → OK
Select all table → Click on Data tab → Filter → Click the arrow head "▼" → Next to name of the Employee → Text Filter → begin with →
Select all Table → Click on Data tab → Filter → Click the arrow head "▼" → Next to name the employee → Uncheck Roshan → OK