Steps for MS Office Front page
Start = All porgrams = Microsoft office front page 2003 = file = close site.
(create a new normal page) = website = browse = my computer = local disk(D:) = select your folder =front page = open.
*(create a new normal page) = page =frames page = banner and contents = ok = click new page
Ctrl + S (save) =
Bungee jumping Title
Bungee jumping Index
Bungee jumping Main
Bungee jumping Home
* For Theme
Format = Theme
* For line spacing & First line Indent :-
Format = Paragraph = Indent First line = 50
Line Spacing = Double
* For Horizental line
Insert = Horizental line = Double click the line
= Width = 🔉
Height = 🔉
Bgcolor = 🔉 = OK
* For Marquee
Insert = Web component =
Marquee = direction = left/right
Behavior = Scroll/slide/Alternate
Bgcolor = 🔉 = OK
* For image
Drag a image = double click the image = wrapping style = left/Right = Style = format = border = OK
* DHTML (Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language)
Select image = <choose an event> = Mouse over = <choose an effect> = Swap picture = <choose setting> = choose picture = image = double click
* Bookmark
Select paragraph heading = insert = Bookmark [Ctrl + G] = OK = Save
Select Inden heading = Insert = Hyperlink [Ctrl+K] = click on main html = bookmark = select a bookmark heading = ok = save.