Empty tags : There are some tags that do not require an ending tag, they are called empty tags. 

Example: <br> : This tag is used to start a new line.

<hr> : This tag draws a horizontal line on the web page.

Container tag : When the tag contains text or any other HTML element, it is called a container tag. 

Examples : <HTML>, <TITLE> and so on.

Attribute : An attribute is a keyword (keyword) that is enclosed in Angular brackets '<' & '>' and the keyword is separated from the brackets by spaces. Affects the behavior of the Attribute tag. In the browser, it is not the tags that are seen, but their effect. 

                   For example, if we type the tag < / hr>, then in the browser we will see a straight parallel line, not the < / hr> tag.

Height and Width : Above we read about src, height and width attributes. When you instruct Bryzab about the size of the image, the browser reserves a space for that image accordingly. Without specifying the size of the image, the web page may not display properly, text and other objects will be moved around the web page again and again until the browser determines the actual size of the image and leaves room for it.

HTML music codes

Music or any kind of sound we can add to the web page using embedded tags. There are many more methods to add music to a web page, but the embedded tag is one of the simplest and decent quality way. Following is an example locating a media file with embedded tags and the src attribute.

HTML code : 
<embed src="beethoven.mid" /> <p> The above is an embedded media player.
         To stop the music press stop / pause.</p>

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